Sunday, August 31, 2014

Great New TV Show

"Selfie" is a great new tv show, starring "Doctor Who's" Karen Gillan and John Cho of "Star Trek" and "Harold & Kumar."

Check it out at ABC here.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Canada Trolls

There's a reason why I love Canada.  The country's NATO delegation tweeted this picture, saying "
Geography can be tough. Here’s a guide for Russian soldiers who keep getting lost and ‘accidentally entering’ #Ukraine.”
Get it right, Mr. Putin.
That was a good troll, Canada.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Embarrassing Youtube Videos

I found a horrible video I made for a government class.  It's horrible.  Watch it here.

First Post!

Welcome to "Funny, I Think I Am."  This is my blog dedicated to things I find entertaining.  Hopefully, you find it funny too.

So, here is my first post.

I found this FABULOUS picture of Hil-Dog on the internet.  I dare you to say she doesn't support the LGBTQA community.  This would give any self respecting gay man a gay boner.

To see what a gay boner is view one of my favorite DaveyWavey videos below.